Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tucson Botanical Garden

Last week I went to the Botanical Gardens with my friends in playgroup. We visited the butterfly exhibit. There were so many butterflies to watch, the blue ones were my favorite! I could have stayed and watched them all day. Mommy thinks I am going to be an outdoor adventure boy. I am definately my happiest when I am outside!
Aren't my wings beautiful?
Playing in the bamboo jungle. Watch out Tarzan! One of my butterfly friends...

The toothbrush

I now have two toofs!! That's right friends, I am on my way to crunching Cheerios in no time. But before I get there I need to start taking care of what is coming in. Mom let me try my new toothbrush on my own and I think I did a pretty good job. I knew what to do without anyone's help!

Monday, January 7, 2008

6 months old

What a fun day this has been, I got to be Prince Coleman all day just for turning a "half"!
Me on my Bumbo throne.

Prince Coleman and his loyal servants...they do anything I cry for!!

Mom made a cake but I didn't get to have any this time. That's ok though, there was only a half on the plate!! I am going to hold out for when the whole cake is there.

I am catching up to my pet lizard. He better watch out, I am going to pass him up one of these days!!

Recovering Well

I am such a tough boy and I have a scar to prove it! Here is my scar from my kidney procedure I had in December. Mom and dad are amazed at how quickly I am healing. You wouldn't even know I was in the hospital just a few weeks ago. I am back to my old tricks and even learning a few new ones!!