Sunday, February 28, 2010


A beautiful day outside = trip to the park! Mom even took my socks and shoes off and let me explore the sand for the first time. I LOVED the way the sand felt and I didn't eat one little piece. My brother on the other hand...still likes to sample it just in case the flavor has changed a bit. Gross.

Making a new friend. She is just my size!

What a great way to spend the day.

Sand time

Click here to view this video

The Golfer

Here is Coleman's tribute to the Accenture Match Play Golf tournament that was in Tucson a couple of weeks ago. Complete with sunglasses and flip flops.


Just enjoying my morning coffee (water) and a bagel. Where's the newspaper?
I LOVE my sippy!


We headed out to the zoo last week with our friends. What a beautiful day to enjoy the animals!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Campbell's first crawl

Click here to view this video

Mommy has found a way to post video again. Yippee!! Check out what I can do now. :) Press the pause button on the music if you want to hear me talk. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

8 months

WARNING! There are a lot of pictures in this post...mama just couldn't leave any out. I hope you don't mind. :)

Eight months old today! I am now crawling (!), pulling myself up anywhere I can, eating more solids by the day, feeding myself (I don't really care for the spoon anymore) and exploring, exploring, exploring! Still just the bottom two teeth though--mom doesn't want me to get any more. She loves my two "toofs" smile.

Beautiful Day

What a beautiful day to spend time with your friends at the park. Won't you come and visit?
Me and William relaxing in the grass
Love being outside!
Coleman giving Darci a boost
Check out my wheels!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Guess WHO is...

Standing!!!! That's right--it's me! This is how mom finds me in the morning and after naps and pretty much everywhere else. I even pulled myself up in the bath tub tonight. Mom says "scary"! I'm too little she says but I don't think so at all. I have places I need to go. Watch out world here I come...

Aren't I cute?


Guess who is my Valentine? This is my friend Darcy and we have so much fun together. She is definitely my pick for a Valentine this year!

I pick sisters to be my Valentine too. She is the best sisters around! (If you haven't figured it out yet...I call her sisters. That 's' at the end is not a typo by mom.) :)

Tohono Chul

We made a trip to Tohono Chul botanical gardens this past weekend. What a beautiful day to walk and enjoy the gardens. The children's garden was of course our fave!
Let's go!
Watching my boats float down the stream
Which one is going to win?
It's a tie!
Loving the sunshine
So big!
Lazy days
Exploring...don't you just want to squeeze those chubby wrists?!


Grammie and Papa needed to get out of the snow and cold so guess where they decided to visit? Good thing we live in a warm place--something tells me though even if we lived where the weather wasn't so great they would still visit! We had a great week of being outside, exploring and playing. Aren't grandparents the best?


Grammie and Papa took us to Build-a-Bear for Valentine's day. What a sweet treat! I picked out a Valentine dalmatian and sisters picked a fluffery puppy. I loved being able to help with stuffing my dalmatian and kissing the heart that goes inside. Thanks Grammie and Papa for the fun Valentine's date! XOXO
Waiting so patiently for my turn
Assisting with the stuffing
I took my work very seriously!
Sisters waiting her turn
Giving "Spot" a bath
Sisters so excited to see hers finished
Waiting to eat lunch with my new friends
Not so fast! I want mine back!!