Flat Stanley is a book written by Jeff Brown. In this funny story a boy named Stanley Lambchop is flattened by a bulletin board. He doesn't get hurt but the doctor measures him at four feet tall, a foot wide and a half an inch thick! Stanley has many adventures. He gets mailed to California, flies like a kite and even pretends to be a painting to catch sneak thieves. In the end his brother inflates him back to normal with a bicycle pump.
Our own Flat Stanley came to visit us in Tucson. Our cousin Grant from Missouri is reading Flat Stanley for a class project. He mailed him to us and we had the opportunity to take him on one of our park play dates. He came at a perfect time. The weather has been gorgeous and we were outside a lot. We sent him home with a sunburn and a few band-aids (cactus can be rough on a body made out of paper). We had fun Stanley! Hope you can come back and visit soon.