Friday, August 12, 2011

School Bound!

I am officially a student of Sunshine Preschool. Hooray! I have been wanting to go to school for over a year now and I FINALLY got to see what it was all about. I did have some pre-first day jitters and even squeezed out a few tears but by morning I decided I was going to be brave and headed to school. And I am so glad I did! We did all kinds of fun things but my favorite things were recess and watching the teachers use their walkie talkies. :) Here are a few pics from the big day.

My teacher, Miss Cindy and me. We are the green class!

It's Science Time

We had a science lesson with our playgroup friends the other day. We learned about dry ice and what happens to it when you add different liquids to it. We loved adding dish soap and making dry ice bubbles the best. What a fun day of learning!

Starting the lesson

First glimpse of the bubbles up close


Dumping out the dry ice "smoke"

Mr. and Miss Experiment

So curious