Wednesday, May 14, 2008

10 Months Old

Hip! Hip! Hooray! I am ten months old today. I am in the double digits already--the big "one" is right around the corner. Mom says boo-hoo, she wants her baby to stop getting so big. I think it is exciting though! I can do more and more each day. Here is what's new with me...
*I now have eight teeth (four top, four bottom)
*I have attempted to stand on my own without holding on to things. We call this the surf board stance!
*I chit-chat with everyone and anything from morning till night.
*I feed myself now--no more puree--yuck!
*I love to eat mandarin oranges, grapes, watermelon, apricots, Cheerios, bagels, cheese, carrots, black beans, meatballs, rice and mac & cheese.
*I hold my sippy cup all by myself.
*I crawl everywhere usually holding a toy or two at all times.
*I started swim lessons and can't get enough of the water. Mom and Dad say I am part fish!
*I love hanging from tables and shelves hanging like the monkey man I am.
*Rolling a bouncy ball back and forth with dad. Mom is working on getting the video up for everyone to see!

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