Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sick, Sick, Sick!!!

Mommy is so sorry she hasn't posted lately...but things have been a little crazy at our house! For the last two weeks I have been a sick little guy. It started out with wheezing, a runny nose and breathing treatments, which led to a fever, which led to pneumonia. You would think it would have stopped there but it didn't! I had an allergic reaction to my antibiotic so then I had to get a shot in my leg. Boo-Hoo! On top of all that my molars are finishing coming in and my eye teeth are following their lead. It is rough stuff being a baby. On Monday I started acting like myself again which has made mom and dad so happy! Here are some pictures of me at the doctors office (one of many visits over the last two weeks). This was on Halloween right before I got my shot. I knew it was coming!


Adam Ptak said...

Oh my goodness. Poor little Coleman. I'm so sorry it has been so rough. I can't believe how the color of his shirt almost looks bring out some red in his hair. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Coleman: Nana and Pappa Bear are so sad you were sick and had to get a shot. You look so unhappy at the Dr office and so sick.
Hope everyone is doing better at your house this week.

Anonymous said...

No fun Coleman!! So glad to hear you are feeling much better and are back to yourself! What a bummer to be sick on Halloween! You looked really cute though!

Anonymous said...

Coleman....being sick on Halloween sounds HORRIBLE! We're glad you're getting to feel better & hope your Mom & Dad stay healthy too!

Liam and Lucy said...

Boy when it rains it pours! What a little trooper you are Coleman(and Mom). Glad you're feeling better - can't wait to hang out soon.