Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Potty Time!

Well....kind of! I have been interested in the potty for awhile now. Each night before I get in the tub I run to the toilet and say "Potty?". So mommy helps me get on and I sit for a minute but no action yet. I still feel like such a big boy though and mom thinks I am so cute when I am doing big boy things. We thought you would enjoy the picture too! We'll keep you posted on my progress.

Talent Show

I have had these talents for awhile but Mom can't ever seem to catch them on video. Please keep in mind that by evening I lose interest quickly so by the end it is a little less flashy! I am saying more words by the day (I really like counting and saying my ABC's--2,3 and 9 are my favorite numbers and H, I, J are my favorite letters :) ) so stay tuned for more video of the rising star.

Dance Fever

Nolan came over to play yesterday and boy did we have fun! Here we are dancing to the Polar Express soundtrack. Hot-hot-hot-hot chocolate--our favorite song.
Now it's time to relax...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Go-go-gadget goggles

I went and played at Nolan's house last week and found the best treasure...a construction dress up set. Don't I look like I am ready for some demolition?! Stand back!

Get Into My Car

I love driving no matter what the vehicle! Mama's car is the best but baby cars will do too. Beep! Beep!

Rainy Days = Furniture Forts and Indoor Picnics

It rained a couple days last week so we got creative and turned the house into a playground. Mom says it is good thing we don't live anywhere cold--cabin fever and I don't mix--whatever that means! Anyway this helped for awhile but I would still pick outside any day. Yea for warm weather!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's a ....

The Harger house is now even 3 girls, 3 boys
(Cari, Luci, baby, Jordan, George, Coleman) :)
We have a healthy baby girl on the way that is measuring perfectly. We couldn't be more excited! Coleman loved the sonogram; sitting so nicely with snacks watching the TV like it was a real show. He smiled and laughed when we told him he was going to have a sister. If he only really knew what that meant! Bring on the purses and nail polish...we are ready for our next adventure!!
Hugs and Kisses,
The growing Harger clan

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Birthday Party

Friday was Mom's friend Sandy's birthday. We had a birthday lunch for her at our house and a playdate for the kids. What a fun day! What do you think my favorite part was?
More smiling for the camera with my eyes closed...

Tohono Chul Park

This week my playgroup went to Tohono Chul Botanical Gardens. We first had an outdoor story time and then went to play in the children's garden. It was such a beautiful day to explore outside and be with friends.
Sitting so nicely for story time. :)

Practicing my ABC's

Making musicPlaying Peek-a-Boo!

Going for a ride

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Where's Coleman?

Here I am!

This is my new smiling face. I know the flash is coming so I close my eyes BEFORE it happens. I think there will be many more pictures like this to come.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby Update!

A note from mom:
We went to the doctor today to see how the little one is coming along. Everything is checking out great so far--the munchkin's heart rate was at 140. Coleman was infatuated with the heartbeat, I have never seen him sit so still! As soon as the doctor was done checking the heart rate he ran right over to the table and wanted up on my lap. I don't think he was quite sure of what to think of me being on the examination table instead of him! Too cute.

We will be finding out the sex on January 21st. We are counting the minutes!! Keep you posted.

18 months and all grown up!

Can you believe I am 18 months old already? What a big boy I am becoming! Here are some pictures of me showing all the grown up things I can do now. Enjoy!

Brushing my teeth all on my own.

Having cereal with mama--she didn't help me once!

Putting on the bike helmet (actually Daddo's) but already practicing being a safety boy.

Cooking with Mama

The new baby was hungry for chocolate cake the other day so mama and I decided to make it one! I love cooking--sitting on the counter and watching the mixer go round and round is my favorite. Well actually...tasting what the mixer made is really my favorite but watching is fun too!