Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Saturday night we kicked off the Halloween festivities with our annual play group party. It was a great time with yummy food, fun games and awesome friends. Here are some pics from the night.
The gang before the party. Sleeping Beauty, Captain Jack Sparrow, Mr. Fire Chief and his Dalmatian
Mom the butterfly and Dad as...who knows. He is a crazy guy.
So I guess this is a SNL skit from a long time ago? The 90's? Whatever that means. For those of you who know...Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley as Chippendales. There is a lot of adult stuff I don't understand but they were pretty funny. Even the kids laughed at them!

Me hitting the pinata. I got the opening swing! C-A-N-D-Y!
Some shots from the night. Great friends and great fun!

Crazy Hair Day

Look at my do! Crazy hair day at school. C.R.A.Z.Y.


While Daddo carved, we roasted. Who knew that goo could be so good.

Friday, October 28, 2011


We carved our pumpkins on Thursday night. This took a little longer than we had planned. Who knew the Dremmel would add time to the process? After we cleaned them out Daddo took over the artistic process. We ate, showered, read stories and finally went to bed before they were done. Whew. But we did wake up to some great faces and even better ones lit up!

A pumpkin pizza to start the festivities

A little light to get started on the goo.

Now the work begins!

Such detail....

Ta-Da! The final product! An angry bird and a little kitty.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sneak peek

A little sneak peak of what is to come on Halloween night. Do you know what we are going to be?

Trick or Treat!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Picking Time

We went to pick out some pumpkins for carving today. What a selection! Big, little, medium, green, white...the list could go on and on. I think we did an exceptional job this year in picking out the perfect ones. What do you think?

Pumpkins in the desert

Discussing the options

A good one for daddo

Ugh. When are my bangs ever going to be long enough to stay out of my face! (That is actually a quote from mom. I frankly don't care.)

Our picks!

Sandwich Squad

This fall, we joined a group called the "Sandwich Squad". Every two months we get to make sack lunches for the Women's and Children's shelter of Tucson. We put together a yummy lunch of sandwiches, fruit, snacks and a drink. We even got to decorate the bags ourselves. After everything was packed we delivered the lunches to the shelter for those in need. This past weekend was our first "lunch pack". We had a great time working together as a family and helping others. Two thumbs up!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Soccer...aka roasting in the desert

My first fall soccer game was this past Saturday. By the time we arrived at the field (for the 10:00 game) it was nearly 90 degrees. Ugh. We drank lots of water and battled through it though! Since I am now four we play on a bigger field, and have four, 10 minute quarters. Woah! But that also means we get to have snack and drinks at half time AND at the end of the game. BONUS.
Thumbs up! Reday to start.
Look at that form.
Discussing team strategy.
Mentally preparing.

All Aboard!

One needs to get pretty creative this time of year...still in the upper 90's outside which equals getting a little stir crazy in the house. By this point mom really lets our creative juices flow. One morning when she was doing laundry this is what she came out to find. A train built out of pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and laundry baskets. Brilliant!

Tickets! Tickets, please!

Star of the Week

It was my turn to be "Star of the Week" at school. I was so excited! I have been anxiously awaiting the lovely yellow and circle box. Every week I would ask mom when it was going to be my turn? When was Ms. Cindy going to ask the class to drumroll and call out my name? When could I put my beloved items inside that box? Oh, the joy! October 5th was my lucky day. I was able to fill out the special posters with my name and favorite things. I drew a picture of my family and what I wanted to be when I grow up (a firefighter is the choice this month). I was able to take a favorite toy (my airplane transformer) and present it all to the class. It was everything I had hoped for and more. Can I do it again?