Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Just taking a stroll through the neighborhood...


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Mom is sorry for the lapse in postings! Summer days go by so fast! We are recovering from birthday parties and the heat. :) Can't wait for a little monsoon rain--hope you are staying cool!

The blog is up to date now...enjoy and Mom promises she will try to stay more current with pictures. Give her a little grace though--Campbell and I just have so much fun all day long. She is having a hard time keeping up. Poor girl. :)

Bowling Party

What better way to celebrate turning three? A little bowling with family and friends. Oh and more pizza and cake mixed in with a fire truck theme. Heaven! We had a great night of knocking down the pins, dancing and arcade games. How long until my fourth birthday?

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Bike

The best present of all...my new big boy bike! It only took a couple of tries and I was whizzing around like a pro. Watch out Lance Armstrong I am going to be hot on your trail!

I'm three!

My birthday was a blast! Grammie and Papa flew in on my actual day so that was a great present. We played, had pizza, opened presents and ate cake. I love birthdays!

First Haircut

It was time to shape up all those uneven ends. I didn't lose any of my baby hair so I had a lot of different lengths going on! The dum-dum was the best part. Hair cuts are easy!


I love swim school! I am retrieving objects from the bottom of the pool, rolling from front to back and going under the water without any hesitation. I even went down the slide during my second lesson. I think I am part fish. :)
Diving for objects
Darcy on the slide
My turn!

Fourth of July

We had a great 4th! The weekend started out with a BBQ and swimming with friends and then on Sunday we headed to the golf course for more food, jumping castles, night golfing and fireworks. What a great way to celebrate our country's birthday!

The kiddos

Star gazing
My boyfriend, William


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

To inspenity and beyond!

On Friday I had a date with mom and dad (sisters stayed with the babysitter). We went to watch Toy Story 3 with Nolan and his mom and dad. Wow! This was my first trip to the movie theater so I was SUPER excited. I think the best part was playing the video games in the lobby, or the popcorn and lemonade, or the bouncy seats or ALL the previews before the movie. Watching Buzz, Woody and Jessie was really fun too. Oh I can't decide! Maybe we should go again? I think that may help me make my decision.

To inspenity (infinity--that is how I say it) and beyond!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Swim lessons

I started my summer swim lessons yesterday. What a blast! I was such a big boy--I walked onto the pool deck all by myself, got in the water with my teacher and didn't ask to get out once. Mom and Campbell watched from behind the glass so I knew they weren't far. I practiced monkey climbing on the side, floating on my back, assisted swimming from side to side and diving underwater for rings and squids. I even earned a ribbon! The only sad part of the day was that mom forgot the camera at home. :( Oh well! Here are a few pics with my ribbon after bath last night. We will be SURE to take the camera next week and gets lots of pics and maybe even a video. Stay tuned.

Pool Time

Last week we went over to Nolan's to do some swimming. After awhile though the hose became the fan favorite (of course). Don't forget to throw in a few popsicles to end the day. Ahh, refreshed.

Silly boys
Big girl!

Squid Dog

It has been hot, hot, hot here so we have been trying to find creative inside ideas to pass the day. Last week we made "squid dogs" for lunch (hot dog with spaghetti pushed through the bottom). They were super fun to make and even better to eat! Yum!