Friday, September 26, 2008

The Fire Pit

After the rain stopped today the weather was so nice! Mom and I played outside all afternoon. I watched mom open this fun little door to the fire pit so of course I had to try it out myself. I loved opening and closing the door and getting the lava rocks from the top to put inside. Don't worry though...I cleaned it all up like the good little boy I am!

The Fire Pit (in action)

I did this for about five minutes, then I put all the rocks back. I think I have inherited my mom's "neat freak" gene. Everything has its place right?

Just chillin...part two

7 mo. 14 mo.

I still love to hang out on the couches outside--I'm just a bit bigger now (with more hair)!

Good Morning

It was rainy this morning when I got up! You have to take advantage of those days because we don't have them very often. So we did! We snuggled on the couch in our PJ's all morning long. Mom got some close ups of me that she thought were pretty cute. Cheers to rainy days!
I have always loved taking off people's glasses but lately I like to put them on my face. Mom is kind of blind so I didn't keep hers on for very long. YIKES!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Apple Orchard

Apple orchards in the desert? It's true! My friends Nolan and Kimberly invited me to go apple picking with them yesterday and boy did we have fun. There was grass and all kinds of apple trees for us to pick from--it almost felt like the midwest! We had a great time playing outside and getting some fun pictures. Mommy's friends Sandy and Sara took the pictures--aren't they great photographers? Now on to the kitchen to make pie with all those apples. YUM!

Monday, September 15, 2008


A note from mom: Ok--so I know giving your 14 month old child an Oreo is not the smartest thing to do when it comes to "sugar control" but let me explain! We were at the scrapbook store and Coleman was about to lose it, right when it was time to pay we had a major MELTDOWN. The lovely owner was trying to help and offered me an Oreo to give him. All of you that have been in my shoes before what would you have done? That's what I thought...go for the Oreo. So I said thank you, offered it to the C-man and it was music from the heavens above. SILENT. We said good-bye. SILENT. Got in the car. SILENT. Drove home. SILENT. And this was the sweet face that greeted me when I turned the car off. I couldn't resist the photo op. Too cute.

I guess I will need to carry a package of Oreos from now on for major back up. The best part about it was that he twisted the cookie open, ate the frosting first and then the chocolate cookie. It was like his Oreo eating instincts kicked in without even having one before! That's my boy--a true Oreo eating champ in the making.

Monday, September 8, 2008

You can't stop me!

It was one of those days where I couldn't get enough of the trash can. Mom thought she could stop me with a little tape. Ha! Take a look at how I fixed that problem...

Little boy...big table

I really like sitting at the table and eating like mom and daddo lately. Mom thinks I look so small still but I am a big boy. Bring on the spoon and fork because I am ready!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

1-2-3 Cheese!

Mommy's friend Sandy took some pictures of me during a play date last week. I just loved the camera that day! Mom and Dad think I am a pretty cute boy. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mr. Sick Guy

I was had a cold this weekend so it was pretty quiet at our house. Well...I doubt mom and dad would say it was quiet so lets just say we didn't do much but hang out at home. I hope everyone had a great Labor Day and enjoyed some time off!

Me and my runny nose was a constant site the past couple of days so I thought I would pass on this picture for every one else to enjoy!

Paper towels anyone?

Since I was sick this weekend I think mom let me get away with more than usual. I got a hold of the paper towel roll and she actually let me play with it! Since she let me have it I quickly lost interest, but it made for a fun photo session.

It kind of looks like snow, or the closest thing we will have here in Tucson.

I have to unroll this thing fast before she takes it away!!

What a helper! I love throwing things away, especially the phone, remote and my sippy cup.

Poor me...I don't even look like I am having fun.

Ok, what's next?

Monday, September 1, 2008

It's Soccer Time!

Dad came home from work last week and we kicked the ball around for awhile. I sure do love being outside and my sports. F-U-N!