Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A note from mom...

So the newest posts are all about Campbell (sometimes the second child should have all the glory though right?). Don't worry I'll even it out soon! Enjoy...

On her own

Click here to view this video


The benefits of being the second get to try things WAY earlier (like having popsicles :)), you don't have to eat with a bib or even eat in a high chair for that matter and the messier you get the cuter the pictures!


Bath time

I love the bath! Whether it is by myself or sharing with my brother it is my favorite time of day. As soon as I hear the water running I start a scootin'!
Look closely you can see my new top teeth!
Left over dinner still stuck on my face
I love sticking my tongue out!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Air show

Friday we were able to get a sneak peek of the Tucson Air show that was in town this weekend. Our play group had special privileges to visit the air force base and see the planes up close and meet the pilots before the regular public. So cool! Dad came with us and made a whole family event out of it. I wasn't quite sure of the loud planes at first but one I put my ear muffs on I was set. The helicopters were my favorite but what I really LIKED were the street cleaners that came up after the planes. Mom and dad said "go figure". What does that mean?

St. Pat's

The Leprechaun visited our house during rest time this week...
He left a trail of green and yellow

and some treats outside our door. Sneaky devil!!
Enjoying some Lucky Charms
Sisters loves her some Coleman! :)
Look at that face!

9 months

It's that time again!! Mommy says stop growing up. I visited Dr. Whittard this week for my check up and I am up to a whopping 15 pounds! That's right--I am in the 5th percentile for height and weight. Just a little peanut! I am cruising all over, crawling like crazy and even standing a little on my own. I love clapping for myself when I accomplish something, waving to friends and trying new big girl foods. My two top teeth finally broke through this month--Whew! So many changes already but excited to see what the next month brings. Till then--hugs!

Fancy Car

We went to lunch the other day and when we came out of the restaurant this is what we found...a Lamborghini! And in my favorite color too. Awesome.

Monkey in Training

Just taking after my brother the monkey man (and all babies for that matter!). Mama says when Coleman was my age he LOVED the T.P. Looks like I am on the path to monkeyville.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Miniature Horse Farm

Today we met our friends and visited the miniature horse farm. As many of you know this was a HUGE hit with me last year. Well not much has changed in a year--HUGE hit AGAIN! I held my bag of bread (to feed the chickens) in a death grip all the way to the farm, busted out of my seat, ran to the chicks and started feeding my new found friends first thing. We also visited the mama horses (going to have babies in April) and the goats. We ended the day with a picnic lunch at the farm. All I can say is F. U. N. I think a career in animal science is in my future!

Rooster Arizona style
Sharing the love through the coop
What's under there?

Even Campbell loved the animals (even though she doesn't look like it here). Any time one would get close she would start clapping her feet together! So cute!

The Chicken Dance

Click here to view this video


How's the song go? "Anything you can do I can do better!"

Coleman is my hero.


Just some random pics from the last couple of weeks.
Story time at Tohono Chul
Sharing a seat with Darcy
Snuggling with Daddo

Tight squeeze

It pays to be miniature. Look where I can go and hide?

Monday, March 1, 2010

And so it begins...

We are baby proofing again...wild woman on the loose.


We had family bowling night on Friday. What a fun time! Bowling, dancing and fried food. My kind of night!

Just snackin