Monday, March 30, 2009

New Computer

We brought home a new computer last week for Mama's birthday.  She was so excited (I think Daddo was too :) )!  Here I am playing on the computer in the kids corner as we waited for ours to be brought out.  I knew exactly what to do, I climbed right up on the stool, grabbed the mouse and went to town.  In a couple of years I am going to be showing Mom and Dad what to do.  SCARY!

Ours looks just like this.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Morning!

This is how Mama and Daddo have been finding me lately in the morning.  Even though it looks like I am trying to climb out...I am not!  I just like to climb up on the edges and point to the antique cars that are above my closet.  I want to hold them so bad!  I stretch as far as I can and say "stuck, too far".  Even though I haven't figured out that this is the first step to crawling out of the crib mom isn't holding her breath.  She says it is only a matter of time--not quite sure what that means!

Don't you love the bed head?!

Catalina State Park

We had a great discovery a couple of weeks ago...just five minutes from our house!  We decided to take a trip to Catalina State Park down the street and look at what we found!  Nolan, Sara, Mama and I took a two mile hike into the mountains and found a fun stream to play in for the day.  We ended our hike with a change of clothes and a nice picnic.  Just a typical day in the desert--you never know what you are going to find!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The water boy

I love to help water the plants for mama. She is really not supposed to be carrying heavy things so this is my way of helping out! What other jobs do you have for me?

Silly Slide Fun

I can't get enough of the slide...1,2, 3 go! Sometimes I say 8, 6, 8 go! Just depends on my mood. I also like to see how much stuff I can get up on the platform along with myself. Then we all slide down together. WHEE!

Spring Blooms

Here are the beautiful blooms on our citrus trees. I love going into the backyard and smelling them. Just wanted to send spring cheer your way!

Do you know the muffin man?

Mmmm for muffins, my favorite! Or as I like to call them "cake". Mom says whatever works as long as I eat breakfast. Do you like how I am sitting at the island now? I can climb up the stools, onto the island and then help myself to the bananas that sit up there. I think mom has found a new home for them though because I can't seem to find them lately! I am working on not being such a monkey man and just sitting on the stools instead of the island itself. So far so good!

Luci waiting so nicely for little boy crumbs.

A little mixed up...

While watching the movie "Major League" (mom thought this could be a "major" no, no in the future) with Daddo I was inspired to start wearing a batting helmet. I saw the baseball players in the movie have them on so I ran back to my room and brought mine out to start using it! I only wear it when I throw the football--not sure why, maybe I am inventing a new sport. Keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More zoo pictures...

Here are more pictures that Mama Sawa (that is Coleman talk for Mama Sara) took when we went to the zoo a couple of weeks ago. I was very adventurous again and fed the giraffes and even pet a snake and turtle!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Playdate at the Botanical Gardens

We visited the Tucson Botanical Gardens today along with the Butterfly exhibit with my play group. I loved the Butterflies or as I called them "flys". They were so many of them and they were so colorful! There was defiantly a lot of oohing and ahhing and maybe even a few screetches throughout the exhibit. I loved exploring the rest of the gardens--trains, horses, frogs, rabbits (statues), water features, bamboo gardens, sand boxes and best of all DIRT. A boys dream!

Not so little anymore....

How things have changed in a year!

Here are more pictures from the Botanical Gardens today. Sorry most of them are either the back of my head or the side of my face. I was such an just couldn't get my attention!

Park Days

The weather has been b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l here this past month so we are taking advantage of it! I try to go to the park every day--sometimes twice a day. I can't get enough--bring on the sunscreen.