Monday, September 15, 2008


A note from mom: Ok--so I know giving your 14 month old child an Oreo is not the smartest thing to do when it comes to "sugar control" but let me explain! We were at the scrapbook store and Coleman was about to lose it, right when it was time to pay we had a major MELTDOWN. The lovely owner was trying to help and offered me an Oreo to give him. All of you that have been in my shoes before what would you have done? That's what I thought...go for the Oreo. So I said thank you, offered it to the C-man and it was music from the heavens above. SILENT. We said good-bye. SILENT. Got in the car. SILENT. Drove home. SILENT. And this was the sweet face that greeted me when I turned the car off. I couldn't resist the photo op. Too cute.

I guess I will need to carry a package of Oreos from now on for major back up. The best part about it was that he twisted the cookie open, ate the frosting first and then the chocolate cookie. It was like his Oreo eating instincts kicked in without even having one before! That's my boy--a true Oreo eating champ in the making.


Sara said...

So funny! Coleman you are too cute!

Suzanne Kraft said...

HMMMMM...can you say wrapped around moms finger. Oreos, playing in the trash, rolls of paper towels all over your house. I'm not sure Brady and Coleman can be playmates anymore. He's way too much of a bad influence ;-)

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! Nothing better than the creamy middle first.....unless there's a glass of milk around to dunk it in. At least you let Mommy get all the way through her shopping and up to pay before you decided to melt down!! We love checking on you Coleman! Always lots of cute, funny pictures!!

Adam Ptak said...

All I can say is...WAY TOO CUTE!