Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Morning!

This is how Mama and Daddo have been finding me lately in the morning.  Even though it looks like I am trying to climb out...I am not!  I just like to climb up on the edges and point to the antique cars that are above my closet.  I want to hold them so bad!  I stretch as far as I can and say "stuck, too far".  Even though I haven't figured out that this is the first step to crawling out of the crib mom isn't holding her breath.  She says it is only a matter of time--not quite sure what that means!

Don't you love the bed head?!


Suzanne Kraft said...

First of all, bad, bad, bad crib design...what were they thinking. Second, I absolutely cannot believe he has not tried to make a leap to that bookshelf on the other side. Watch out mom!

Sandy said...

Little man you are too cute! We miss you! Let's go play next week!