Wednesday, July 8, 2009

International Wildlife Museum

Today we visited the Wildlife Museum with some friends from playgroup to celebrate my birthday.  What a treat!  All the animals were stuffed and put on display for us to enjoy.  My favorites were the buffalo and the lion, bear and cat room.  We ended the playdate with cupcakes and Capri Suns--I could get use to this birthday stuff.  HOO--ray!
Enjoying the butterfly room--this exhibit was called the "Coleman Collection".  How cool!
The buffawo (buffalo) display
I really wanted to join the rhinos but I guess looking was ok.
The lion, bear and cat room
Pretending to be ferrets
Enjoying a snack after the animal safari

1 comment:

BJ said...

Oh, so sorry we missed! We were still tired from returning home from our trip last night. Looks like fun! Happy Birthday Coleman!