Monday, October 18, 2010

Game Day

Saturday was my first soccer game! There was running, there were making goals on the wrong side, there were tears, there were snacks, there were laughs by the parents. The list could go on and on. Action packed I tell you. I had a lot of fun until someone took the ball away from me. Umm...Rude! I made a goal too but I cried again because the other team ALMOST took it away from me. There were a lot of life lessons learned on Saturday. I have a feeling we will be talking about all these things at practice this week. Despite all the tears I still had a lot of fun and was ready for another game after lunch and a nap. Oh how sleep and a full tummy can change the tune of things.
On the way to the game. Number three--my age AND my soccer number. Cool!
Guess who was playing over on the next field? My best bud Nolan!

So cute
Warming up
Pre-game huddle
Pre-game cheer. Go Kung-Fu Pandas! (team name :) )
Ready to go
Making my way to the goal

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