Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Saturday night we kicked off the Halloween festivities with our annual play group party. It was a great time with yummy food, fun games and awesome friends. Here are some pics from the night.
The gang before the party. Sleeping Beauty, Captain Jack Sparrow, Mr. Fire Chief and his Dalmatian
Mom the butterfly and Dad as...who knows. He is a crazy guy.
So I guess this is a SNL skit from a long time ago? The 90's? Whatever that means. For those of you who know...Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley as Chippendales. There is a lot of adult stuff I don't understand but they were pretty funny. Even the kids laughed at them!

Me hitting the pinata. I got the opening swing! C-A-N-D-Y!
Some shots from the night. Great friends and great fun!

1 comment:

Anja Caro said...

amazing :)