Thursday, March 27, 2008

Catching up on what's new with Coleman!

Oh boy there has been a lot going on with us the last couple of weeks!! We have been having so much fun, mom is having a hard time keeping up. She is sorry there hasn't been any new pics lately but we will make up for it this week! So here is what is new with me:
Grammie and Poppy C. have been here visiting for the last 10 days. They go home on Saturday and I am already sad about it! In less than two weeks I have wrapped them around my little finger. Being spoiled is so fun.
Mom turned 30--WOW! I stayed home with Grammie and Poppy while mommy and daddy went out with their friends. I bet my party at home was more fun though!
The Easter Bunny came and brought me an Elmo basket with all kinds of goodies. Easter is great!
My sixth tooth has broken through--mom is wondering when my little mouth is ever going to get a break.
Since I started crawling I decided to add pulling myself up on everything and cruising to the mix. I love pulling myself up on the ottoman and side stepping around it. Baby proofing has gone to a new level at our house. There is nothing fun to pull down anymore. Boo-hoo.
I officially hate my diaper being changed. Mom thinks this stage is super fun.
Here are a couple of pictures of me standing like a big boy (first time I pulled myself up in the pack-n-play--aka the toy pit). I love the one of me and Poppy. He let me play with his shaving cream!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sure are keeping busy, Coleman, and getting so big so fast!!! Please wish your Mommy a happy belated birthday! Our Mommy turns 30 in June - old, huh???
Julia & Eva Fiedler