Tuesday, June 17, 2008

11 Months Old--(a couple weeks late!)

One more month to go before I am the big O-N-E!
Here are the new things I can do:
*I am really in to my toys--I could play all day long!
*Books are fun too--I love being read to.
*I am perfecting the crawl, I am actually too good at it. Will I ever walk?
*I am really into snuggling and giving loves.
*When the doorbell rings I crawl to the door. I love having visitors come over.
*I love pointing at everything. Strangers think I am pretty funny and I really can put on a show for them.
*Talking is my favorite thing. I jibber-jabber to mom all day long. She thinks I have some great stories!
*I play tug-of-war with George and Luci. I get their toys out of their box and bop them on the head until they grab it. What did they ever do without me?

1 comment:

Liam and Lucy said...

Boy Coleman -- you are getting a great tan!