Monday, December 7, 2009


A note from mom: We visited Santa this weekend and I am proud to say we did OK! Coleman was excited the whole car ride there. We practiced saying "Merry Christmas". We practiced asking Santa for a"garbage truck" (he kept saying garbage can though). We practiced saying "thank you". He waited so patiently and was ready to go--then it was our turn. He froze and said nothing, he barely got on Santa's lap and was not about to smile for the camera BUT there were no tears from either child! I call that a success. As we were walking away Coleman started to whimper and started saying over and over "but the garbage can?". He couldn't understand why he didn't get his garbage truck like he asked for. So after some explaining he understood that we have to wait for Christmas morning. Each morning since the Santa visit he gets up and asks about his garbage can--it is going to be a long month.

1 comment:

Jen Lamm said...

We are obsessed with the "garbage truck man" too!! Too funny!