Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our big girl

A note from mom:

Oh miss Campbell how can you be one already? Your dad and I were just driving to the hospital to have you. I was crying because I didn't think I could handle two. Your dad was hungry and trying to figure out what he wanted to eat. :) Little did we know in a few short hours and a couple of pushes how much you were going to melt our hearts! We instantly realized there was enough room for two in our lives. How did we ever live without you?

As the days and months went by you were such an easy, content and happy baby. Not much has changed at one year old. You are so quick to give your sweet smile. Such a beautiful smile that lights up the room. You are patient with your brother and always let him play with things first. You are patient with your parents as we are always dealing with "something". You are even patient with George and Luci as they steal your food and sometimes knock you down. Thank you sweet girl for being the perfect combination of everything this family needed. We needed you to make us better and you certainly have! We can not wait to see what joy you bring over the years. What a great adventure it is going to be. Happy birthday little girl! We love you!

1 comment:

Jen said...

what a sweet little letter to ur baby girl! Happy, happy birthday Campbell!